Trigger Amounts

Certain dollar amounts will trigger specific responses on the TranSafe test system, to enable simulation of all kinds of potential responses while developing and testing your integration. Below is a full list of these amounts, along with various other transaction parameters that can trigger particular responses.

Test Parameters:

Valid AVS:
Street: 5800 NW 39th AVE
Zip : 32606

AVS which will cause a transaction denial:
Street: 2831 NW 41st St STE J
Zip : 32615

Any other AVS will decline the AVS but not decline the transaction.
Not sending AVS will decline the AVS but not decline the transaction.


Valid CV:
Visa/MC/DISC: 999
Amex : 1234

CV which will NOT cause a denial:
Visa/MC/DISC: 123
Amex : 9999

No CV result returned even though CV was provided:
Visa/MC/DISC: 321
Amex : 4321

No CV result, but will result in a decline with phard_code=CID_ERROR:
Visa/MC/DISC: 555
Amex : 5555

Any other CV will cause a denial.
Not sending CV will decline the CV but not decline the transactions.

Old Basic Amount Checks:
Amount Code
New Amount Checks (phard_code):
Amount Code
New amount checks (msoft_code):
Amount Code
Private Label Gift or Visa/MC/Disc/Amex backed Gift cards:
Amount Response
$6.75Partial Auth returns $6.50 authamount (requires NSF for branded cards)
$6.76Partial Auth returns $4.00 authamount (requires NSF for branded cards)
$6.80Returns $12.00 balance
Transaction triggers:
Transaction Response
Balance Inquirywill return $13.00 balance
Other checks:
Amount Response
$6.99Will authorize, but will fail on Reversal
Visa Cardlevel Results:
Amount Cardlevel
$7.04RESERVED (E^)
$7.05RESERVED (F^)
$7.09RESERVED (J^)
$7.11RESERVED (L^)
$7.13RESERVED (N^)
$7.14RESERVED (O^)
$7.15RESERVED (P^)
$7.21RESERVED (V^)
$7.22RESERVED (W^)
$7.23RESERVED (X^)
$7.24RESERVED (Y^)
$7.25RESERVED (Z^)
$7.26RESERVED (0^)
$7.27RESERVED (1^)
$7.28RESERVED (2^)
$7.29RESERVED (3^)
$7.30RESERVED (4^)
$7.31RESERVED (5^)
$7.32RESERVED (6^)
$7.33RESERVED (7^)
$7.34RESERVED (8^)
$7.35RESERVED (9^)
$7.47RESERVED (V1)
Delay trigger:
Amount Delay
$8.xx Will cause a delay in seconds where the number of seconds is the cents value.
Amounts that end with an even digit will approve, and amounts that end with an odd digit will decline.
$8.00Will cause a 0 second delay followed by an approval
$8.01Will cause a 1 second delay followed by a decline
$8.12Will cause a 12 second delay followed by an approval
$8.99Will cause a 99 second delay followed by a decline
EMV tag 91 response trigger amounts:
Amount Response
$9.00Valid tag 91 format but wrong key used
$9.01Valid tag 91 but without tag 8A data appended to value
$9.02Don’t send tag 91 even if requested by the card
$9.03Invalid tag 91 data
$9.04Invalid tag 91 data
$9.05Invalid tag 91 data
$9.06Invalid tag 91 data
$9.07Invalid tag 91 data
$9.08Invalid tag 91 data
$9.09Send tag 91 even if not requested by the card

Auth Declines:
  • Partial reversals with any card other than VISA
  • Health transaction without NSF flag set
  • Health amount specified without health flag set
  • Trackdata sent with a recurring transaction
  • CAVV sent with a recurring transaction
  • CAVV format invalid
  • Pin data format invalid
  • Trackdata format invalid
  • Health amounts where the itemized amounts are greater than the total or health total amounts
  • CAVV sent when configured industry is not ECOMM or when cardpresent=mobileinapp is not sent
  • Trackdata sent with card not present transaction type or industry
  • Zip code is required for industry type
  • Incremental sent when configured industry is not lodging
  • Zip code is required for keyed transactions
  • $8.xx dollar amounts will now decline on 'odd' values after the decimal place.

Settlement Failures:
  • bdate is missing when edate is set
  • ordernum (falls back to ptrannum) missing for card not present transaction
  • Lodging
    • custref missing
    • rate missing
    • bdate missing
    • edate missing
    • edate in future
    • edate more than 60 days old
    • bdate and edate cannot be more than 99 days apart
    • bdate after edate
  • Restaurant
    • ordernum missing (falls back to ptrannum)
    • ordernum must be numeric
  • Level 2
    • shipzip missing (falls back to zip then zipcode merch param)
    • custref missing (falls back to ordernum then ptrannum)